Attendees: Linda Devenow, Louann Friedland, Mark Hammerschmith, Angela Haney, Joy Jorgensen, Jennifer Hall, Cheryl Lyons, Michelle Mahana, Laurie Solum, Alice Tucker

Absent: Jo Dee Bernal, Donetta Sheffold

Call to Order at 1:00 PM

University Day Booth Update

  • Thanks to all - went well - 7 new members plus 2 potential...
  • Worked to have several members around the table to engage in multiple conversations with people - get a sign-up sheet - Noon to 1:30 we need five people - include members - first person pick up nametags.
  • Great location - keep for next year - near the south entrance on right side as coming in the door.
  • Candy bowl was attractant.
  • PFLA Banner was great - thanks to Angela for the table mounts!
  • We should eat in the Hospitality room.

ACTION: Angela will order 10-12 attachments for table mounting banner.

Silent Auction of Baskets Fund

  • It seems only Board members are signing up for the Auction Baskets. It was agreed that the "Emergency Preparedness" basket was difficult to sell.

ACTION: Everyone should get items to Jennifer for the "Fall" or "Thanksgiving" baskets by Wednesday October 29th.

ACTION: Jennifer will start the "Auction" through email BEFORE the meeting - she will include pictures.

Woodstock's Pizza Event

  • Board decided to change this from a fund raising event to a networking event- we will charge enough to cover costs.
  • Angela is in discussions with Woodstock's - they are offering us a 15-20% rate on the pizzas - Monday through Thursday.
  • Board discussed and recommends a Thursday in October if possible.
  • Discussion was held around meeting with AOP and possibly inviting them and Triad to the Woodstock's networking event.

ACTION: Angela will send an email to the Board with the dates and other info.

Spring Professional Development Event

  • Alice and Angela have recommended that we hire Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant, a humorous motivational speaker from Eugene. The Board discussed this and agreed with the topic being "Communication". This event will be held in April.
  • Cost will be $1,000 for four hours.
  • We agreed to look into reserving the Alumni Center Ballroom
  • Alice suggested that the Research Office has interest in partnering with an event.

ACTION: Alice will work with Leigh Anne to see if we can schedule an event in April.

ACTION: Angela will reserve the Ballroom. We may change to ½ of the Ballroom if attendance doesn't require the whole room.

ACTION: Angela will arrange for catering for the event.


  • Cheryl is working on the next newsletter and expects to release it at the end of November.
  • She will include a blurb on the Winter Gala/Silent Auction.

ACTION: Send input to Newsletter to Cheryl by Friday, November 14th.


  • We have 90 paid members, 2 paid students, 4 applications waiting and 15 of the IS staff who attended the workshop and opted to stay in PFLA - Total members at this time is 113 - above our 100 goal! The Survey of membership has been tabled as both meeting attendance and membership are on track.

Next Year's Monthly Meetings

  • Linda has developed the following ideas so far: Laurie Solum - Business Centers; Linda Devenow - Document Management for the University; Alice Tucker and Leanne Laurence - Integrated Marketing Plan. It was recommended that we have a presentation on INTO (?) - in May, an update on where we are.

ACTION: Linda will reserve the MU rooms with Pam Hanson for next year's meetings.

ACTION: Everyone should send ideas for the meetings next year to Linda.

Miscellaneous Notes and Actions

  • The Annual Treasurer's report action item can be scratched off.
  • Work is continuing on the "Procedures".
  • It was voted that we approve the Minutes through email.

ACTION: Please send in your nominations for Our Heros awards!

ACTION: The survey of the membership has been tabled

ACTION: Following discussion, it was agree that Mark should look into changing our PFLA email list to a list server.