
Introductions of incoming board members for the 2006 - 2007 were made and a brief statement made by each person pertaining to service to the university as well as department currently employed.

  • Laurel Busse-President, University Honors College, 22 years at OSU
  • Donetta Sheffold-Member at Large, Information Services, 31 years
  • Kelly Kozisek-Member at Large, Procurement and Construction Contracting, 19 years
  • Jennifer Hall-President Elect, College of Engineering, 5 years
  • Cheryl Lyons-Membership Director, Printing & Mailing Services, 2 years
  • Sheri Woods-Web Services Director, Center for Genome Research & Biocomputing,25 years
  • Lyle Leaming- 2005-2006 Treasurer, University Housing & Dining Services, 31 years
  • Laurie Solum-Treasurer, University Housing & Dining Services, 2 years,
  • Prudence Miles- Professional Development, Office of Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity, 5 years
  • Jean-Luc Devis-Marketing Director, Printing & Mailing, 4 years
  • Keahi McFadden-Secretary, Business Services, 5 years

Laurel thanked all members for the work over the past year and for attending the retreat. Retreats began approximately 5 years ago as a way for the Executive Board to get to know each other and to brainstorm ideas for the upcoming year. The group began by reviewing a packet of information provided by Laurel.

  • Action-Jean-Luc will send past newsletters to Sheri for posting to the PFLA website.

Knowledge gathering from 2005 - 2006 Board Members

Each outgoing board member briefly described their activities for the year. Laurel (President-Elect)-Discovered that she was in charge of monthly meetings after agreeing to run for office. It took a lot of work and preplanning to schedule these meetings. Her advice to incoming President-Elect is to plan as many meetings in advance and check in with speakers to make sure they could still attend meeting. Certificates were given to a few speakers to acknowledge their time and show appreciation however this was not done consistently. Donetta (Member at Large)-Assisted where needed during the year with decorating, planning events and basically anywhere as requested. She brings a historical perspective to organization because of length of time with PFLA. Volunteered more than waiting to be asked to help. Advantage of being a member-at-large is the ability to give input and get a feel for organization. Jennifer (Membership Director)-Newsletter helped get the word out to get memberships for the year and it reached more new members but did not help increase membership. PFLA had a table and visible presence at University Day and Training Days passing out newsletter and membership forms. University Day advertised for drawing. Printed out list of members for each meeting and as member checked in placed name in box for drawing. Only paid members were eligible for door prize drawing during that meeting. Monthly meeting door prizes came from Athletics and College of Engineering. Having someone to assist at table kept her from feeling overwhelmed. JoDee Bernal (President)-Keep organization on track and be aware of what members and board want to have happen. There is a lot of following up at an administrative level by email and phone. Minutes are helpful to know what should be done. A lot of time was spent doing work behind the scenes regarding change to auxiliary. Lyle (Treasurer) - Worked with membership director when a person signed up for membership. Movement to web page registration for memberships did not go smoothly because notification was not always sent to Lyle. Membership Director and Lyle matched up membership information to ensure accuracy. Deposit all funds and controlled checkbook from OSUFCU. Paid all invoices. Spreadsheet showed new and renewed members. Sent in fee book update because of auxiliary status. Jean-Luc (Marketing Director) - Struggled with the ability to get information out within restrictions. New calendar may be available for inputting monthly meetings. PFLA list and OSU Today were normal ways of getting the word out. Getting articles for newsletter submitted on time was important. A local florist donated the flowers for the Our Hero Award presentation. Professional Development and meetings scheduled in advance allows for more complete information to be included in first email notification that is sent out to the PFLA membership. Newsletter was good. Ask Mark Peterson from OSU This Week to share the Our Hero's photo for article in PFLA newsletter. After October information only goes to current members. General information-PFLA falls under the guidance of Becky Johnson, Vice-Provost of Academic Affairs. PFLA is now an auxiliary and a fee paid at the rate of 3% is charged each time the organization spends money. Carlene Weeks (Professional Development) - Get input from many sources and position is one of teamwork.

  • Action-Kelly will take lead on getting donations for drawing at University Day. Cheryl and Jean-Luc will assist with this task. (Dell, Apple, Mac Store, Salbasgeon Suites, Hilton Garden Inn)
  • Action-Get word out in advance to get members interested, registered and paid.
  • Action-Test membership registration via web page because it is not working.
  • Action- Jean-Luc will change the words "Board of Directors" to Executive Board in newsletter.
  • Action-Jean-Luc will contact Mark Peterson requesting an email of photo taken at Our Hero Award presentations.

Suggestion-Board members discussed sending the PFLA monthly meetings as an outlook calendar invitation allowing members to accept the meeting dates in advance.

Suggestion-Board agreed to advertise Our Hero Award nominations more actively this year.

Anything left undone, what else

  • Close out credit union account
  • Complete transition to auxiliary
  • Monthly meeting minutes to Becky Johnson
  • Transition to index DAA104
  • Agenda and attendees and business purpose for expending funds
  • Personal services contract completed in advance for guest speakers
  • How do we pay for awards since it can only be paid out of Foundation funds

Each incoming member read their position description out loud (just the main paragraphs), ask questions, discuss expectations

It was discovered that a few position descriptions would need to be slightly revised due to the change in the organization becoming an auxiliary this fiscal year. Laurie (Treasurer)-2 authorized signers should be removed since we don't have checking account. Changes need to be authorized by Executive Board. Approval should at least be one other person or by Board to have appropriate oversight of funds. Change the word signer to approver. Laurel (President) - An audit should be conducted since it has been awhile. Delete repetitive information. Jennifer (President Elect) - Ready for new role. JoDee (Past President) - Suggests that all changes be sent which includes typos and non by-law changes to Laurel by email by August 4th. Keahi (Secretary) - Bolding each section and outline format is unusable. Place action items in appropriate places. Bulleted items make it harder to work with document when posting to the web. Send draft within 3 days and request changes. Send out "final" version requesting official of approval of meeting minutes. Sheri (Web Services Director)-If major changes are wanted in the future then the position should be held by an IT person. Web services could be hired if any major changes need to be made to the website. Donetta has a lot of past information if anything is needed for posting to the web. Cheryl (Membership Director)-Should we include a letter to the new classified staff members on the list. The Board decided to focus on Professional faculty members as the target audience. Initial contact could be sent to everyone. Prudence (Professional Development)-Ideas are being gathered.

  • Action-Laurel and Cheryl will contact Lois DeGeus/ Judy Hughes to get new employee list.

Budget Discussion

Lyle and Laurie shared where our money is and where it will be in the future. The new index is DAA104. An update on funds was given with a beginning balance of $2778.94. Information was handed out to the board members to review as Lyle discussed the purpose of the spreadsheet and breakdown of expenses. Laurie will break down expenses in a little more detail. Approval has been given to move from OSUFCU account into DAA104. Beginning this year checks need to be made payable to OSU not PFLA.

Four things about me-exercise

Board answered a series of questions and shared with two or three other people. The exercise allowed people to learn more about each other.

Planning for the year

Meetings and Professional Development

Laurel proposed a thematic format for the coming year. The format would be a monthly meeting covering a similar topic before or after professional development training. Prudence and Jennifer will work on scheduling similar topics for the same period allowing for the topic to be reinforced. Challenge in setting up meetings and professional development within one term is preferred. If organizers are unable to schedule during the same term then the topic will be offered as a series. PFLA is the organization for professional faculty to present issues and the group will decide which topics to take on as part of our mission. Jennifer has come up with monthly meeting ideas and is working on securing the speakers. A few of the speakers could be LaVonda Wagner, Pat Casey or people from the Food Tasting Lab, Food Innovation Center or Food Sciences programs. Prudence is working on the Professional Development training sessions. A few ideas have been generated which include 1) Cascade Center presentation on services, 2) Human Resources session "Managing Progressive Discipline", 3) Health and Wellness-Physical, nutritional and mental health (Tammy Bray/Rochelle Schwab), 4) Terryl Ross-Sponsor a book for the Diversity book club as suggested by Laurie, 5) Diversity and Inclusiveness, applying changes to the workplace; invite speakers such as (Anne Gillies and Angelo Gomez), ESSA, Cultural Centers- learning more about student organizations.

  • Action- Advertise Professional Development Fund in newsletter and training sessions.

Review member recommendations from last year

Laurel brought along a list from a monthly meeting last year that attendees presented their issues and ideas. These were discussed throughout the day.

All-discuss above ideas; brainstorm additional ideas

Discussion was held to move the November monthly meeting to be held during Training Days with a guest speaker. After further discussion, the board decided to keep the November meeting on the 1st. Acknowledging speakers in front of members with a Thank You card and possibly include a gift card was suggested. The board will continue to discuss what else we want to accomplish in the coming year.

Call for Committee Coordinators

President's Reception- Donetta will contact Carol Mason and get dates in the fall for the annual PFLA reception at the President's residence. The board preferred not hosting the event on a Monday or Friday. Karel Murphy Award-Jennifer was former chair of the committee. A plaque and check is presented at University Day. The committee consisted of 3 PFLA members, 3 College of Engineering members and Jennifer. Prudence suggested a perpetual plaque to be placed in Kerr Administration building. Winter Event in December-The event will be held on December 6th. Student groups are not available for entertainment during this event because of school or vacation. Kelly and Cheryl will assist Laurel in this event. An invitation will be sent to President Ray and his wife and Becky Johnson. Elections- JoDee could possibly help but can not commit at this time. The board will watch for someone who could be elections chair. A current board member can not be election chair if the person plans on running for office. Year End Celebration- Invite Our Hero Award winners to celebration. Jean-Luc will put together a power point with all of the Our Hero pictures and key words from the award presentations. Invitations to President Ray and his wife and Becky Johnson will be extended. Our Hero Award-JoDee will work on this award.

  • Action- Ask Rose to give draft guidelines for choosing chair, process determining members of committee and selection of winner.
  • Action- The Karel Murphy Award guidelines may need to be added to the by-laws.
  • Action- Information on how award was established will be added to the web page.

How to present new organizational structure

Review and recommend final changes to bylaws-Keahi make changes as we go. The board will send changes directly to Laurel. What do we need to say to members? What will have the best impact? This will be an ongoing discussion.

  • Action- First newsletter will be sent out around September 16th.