ATTENDEES: Dana Arnett, Edie Blakley, Jo Dee Bernal, Laurie Bridges, Scott Elsmhaeuser, Karen Guthreau, Jennifer Hall, Rose Lacey, Karel Murphy, Nagwa Naguib, Jodi Nelson, Donetta Sheffold

GUEST: Susan Poole, Student Health Services
Sound Bytes:

Susan Poole came to our meeting today to discuss why the cost of the members for the brochures from Student Health Services when they are available for free at the Student Health Services Office. These brochures are produced from student fees and are provided for the students. Once we understood this, we felt it definitely is appropriate to charge a small fee for the brochures. Susan will bring a lucite holder for the folders and a container for the money to be placed at the registration table before each meeting. The cost will be $0.35 for a brochure.

It was also decided to put a hint regarding the monthly sound byte in each meeting a announcement.

Board Member Reports:

President Elect: (Dana Arnett)

Dana has the speakers for our next three meetings scheduled and they are:

  • October: Judy Hughes (Position Descriptions)
  • November: Gil Brown (Budget)
  • December: Kurt Pederson (Networking with Peers)

Laurie Bridges will find out about things the speakers may need (i.e., flip chart, pens, microphone, etc.)

Apparently the membership form on the website is not showing where to send the check for memberhip dues. Dana will look into that. Hes still working on getting Lyle a copy of the website form sent to him directly.

A discussion began about the history portion of PFLA and OSUMA on the website. Apparently the OSUMA history is current, but when OSUMA transitioned to PFLA the history stops there. Rose has agreed to update the history to make it current.

Dana will set up an appointment to train Karen on how to post the minutes to the website.

Membership: (Jennifer Hall)

It looks like we have 46 paid members for this year to date, along with 20 complimentary memberships.

Marketing: (Laurie Bridges)

All agreed Lauries flyer for this weeks meeting was well done. It will be saved as a PDF in the future and save to the website.

Professional Development: (Nagwa Naguib)

Larry Roper and Jay John are available to present the Fall Workshop on the following dates: October 8, 10 and 15. The presentation will last two hours and 11:00 am - 1:00 pm is the best time for Larry and Jay. Nagwa will get back to us via email once a date is chosen.

Nagwa is working with Paul Axtell to set up a Winter Workshop in February. The costs and potential conflicts need to be worked out before a date is set.


Lyle was unable to attend todays meeting,but did provide a report to be distributed and reviewed. Do we want to archive this on the website? We all thought it was a good idea and could be saved along with the minutes. Karen will request an electronic version from Lyle to post.

Secretary: (Karen Guthreau)

Minutes were distributed, reviewed, and approved as written. One correction was noted: JoDee Bernal was in attendance at Augusts meeting and left off the list of attendees. The minutes will be corrected to reflect that omission.

Scott will talk to Academic Affairs about adding PFLA offerings to the open source calendar.

Presidents Reception Date:

Tuesday, October, 19, 2004, at President Rays home.

Evaluations at Monthly Meetings:

(Karel Murphy)

We discussed distributing evaluations at each monthly meeting. Everyone thought it was a good idea. Several topics were mentioned for inclusion: Topic relavancy, member, would you recommend to other professional faculty, did this meeting meet your expectations, topics for future meetings, location.

There was a recommendation to use the College of Businesss Survey Model, so the evaluations can be submitted anonymously. Dana will help with getting this set up.

After each meeting have a brief discussion of what to put on each evaluation, as we dont want them to be all the same.

University Day Booth:

The cost to have a booth at University Day is $5.00. The date is Tuesday, September 21 and we will need someone there to staff the booth from 9:00 am - 10:00 am.

Rose will purchase two beaver watches. The watch and a planner will be on display that will be prizes at our next membership meeting.. Karel made a motion to purchase with watches with Donetta seconding that motion, and everyone else in agreement.

Laurie will prepare a flyer to announce the drawing. Eligibility is based on being a paid member before our next membership meeting.

A blanket email will be sent to all classified and professional faculty to invite then to join PFLA.

Laurie will prepare a draft and we will all review via email and approve before its sent.

Linn County Extension Request to Promote Their Program:

Rosemary Weidman (Linn Co. Extension Office) sent an email wanting to advertise the following workshop in our newslettter: Women Secure Your Financial Future. Do we want to advertise these types of events? After discussing the pros and cons, it was decided it would be more widely read via a different distribution (i.e. inform lists).

Our Heros Award:

(Rose Lacey)

The Our Heros Awards needs some very good PR and should be mentioned at our monthly membership meetings. Something could also be placed the at University Day display. Rose will connect with Tina Green on advertising. Donetta and Karel may have some old emails of samples to use for this year and will provide them to Rose.

Meeting adjourned: 2:35 pm