Attendees: Jo Dee Bernal, Linda Devenow, Louann Friedland, Mark Hammerschmith, Angela Haney, Jennifer Hall, Joy Jorgensen, Cheryl Lyons, Michelle Mahana, Laurie Solum, Alice Tucker

Absent: Donetta Sheffold

Call to Order - Laurie

Our Heros Award Update


  • We need more nominations for Our Heros.

ACTION: Remember to send in nominations for "Our Heros".

Mini-Workshop Event


  • Scheduled for January 28th at 10:00 to noon.
  • Roni Sue from Affirmative Action will present information on ADA.
  • Because of the time we will not offer refreshments and there is no cost to attend.

ACTION: Alice will investigate arrangements for the room in the MU and get back to the Board.

Spring Professional Development Event

  • The workshop will be held in the Alumni Center from 1:00 to 5:00 on March 10th.

ACTION: Alice will gather all the cost information so we can decide what the charge will be for attending and send further email on the details as they come up.

Karel Murphy Award

  • We need to get prepared to accept nominations and publicize.
  • Laurie has updated the Faculty web site for the details and dates.
  • We will put it in the end of February newsletter.
  • Nominations will be due May 1, 2009 and Laurie is the chair of the committee.

Winter Gala

  • This was a very successful event and we made $365.00 on the Silent Auction.
  • The proceeds from the auction will be used to set the menu for the Presidents Reception in April.
  • Joy needs the invoices for catering, etc. this to give a complete picture of our budget balance.

ACTION: Joy will send out the balance figures to the Board.

ACTION: Angela will send the catering costs for the luncheon to Joy.


  • Newsletter will come out by end of February.
  • Will include information regarding the Karel Murphy award.
  • The information around the President's Reception at their home on April 23 - 4 - 6 p.m. will be included.
  • Also included will be an article about the Professional Development session on March 10th with Leigh Anne Jasheway-Bryant

ACTION: Send input for Newsletter to Cheryl by Monday, February 9th.

New Year's Monthly Meetings

  • Linda still in contact with the MU regarding our reservations - they only reserve one year in advance

ACTION: Linda will send an updated schedule for next year's monthly meeting when it is more complete.


ACTION: The table attachments for the Banner have arrived; Angela will send them on to Cheryl to include with the Banner.

ACTION: Board will consider doing another "Pizza Party" and will discuss at the next Board Meeting.