Attendees: Laurel Busse, Rick DeBellis, Jennifer Hall, Cheryl Lyons, Laurie Solum, Louann Friedland, Mark Hammerschmith, Donetta Sheffold
Absent: Elizabeth Grubb, Rose Lacey, Joy Jorgensen
Call to Order at 1:00 PM – Jennifer

Sustainability Committee update – Laurie, Donetta and Jo Dee

Committee has requested more financial information and will be providing another update after they meet again.

Elections Update - Jennifer

  • Jennifer has not heard for sure that Susan Dobie will be able to help with Board elections this year. A committee should be appointed - the tasks will include: getting people to run along with organizing and counting the ballots
  • For next year’s elections, the members-at-large will be in charge of elections and can convene a committee to help them with this process.
  • A note was made that for next year the negotiations around our major professional development should be made clear and documented before the event.
  • There was discussion around having another larger professional development event in the summer – with Daryl Dickson on “How to Deal with Difficult Conversations”.
  • It was agreed that a summer event would be a good idea – held 9:00 to 3:00 with a Continental breakfast.
  • We need to compile a list of potential partners for next year’s professional development event.

ACTION: Cheryl and Laurie will talk about when to schedule the next year’s larger professional development event.

ACTION: Laurie will send more information to the Board on Daryl Dickson.

ACTION: Cheryl will send more email invitations to the Community Building and Mentoring Meeting on March 18th.

Our Heros Award Status/Update – Laurel

  • Laurel reported that the last two “Our Heroes” awards have gone well – we were able to get photos in the OSU This Week for both of them.
  • She noted that we need to have more nominations for “Our Heroes”.

ACTION: Board members will look for people to nominate from their work areas and experiences.

Board Member Reports

Report – President – Jennifer – she is accepting nominations for next year’s Board Members. There was more discussion around having the Board be more active in finding people to run for office on the Board.

ACTION: Board members should be proactive in searching for people to run for Board member positions.

ACTION: If current Board members are interested in a position, send Jennifer an email with your interests and comments – she will collate them.

Report – President Elect – Laurie - working on next year’s monthly meetings and will share with the Board.

Report – Marketing – Cheryl – she has the new PFLA Newsletter out. She reported that the advertising for today’s Monthly Meeting was good and could have been a good reason that we had an excellent turnout and she will do this for all these meetings.

ACTION: Mark will make sure the Newsletter is on the PFLA Website.

Report – Secretary – Louann – Minutes were approved. She has only received a few of the procedures.

ACTION: Board members should send written copy of their procedures if they prefer. Louann will then put them into the matrix and pass it back by them for review.

Report - Member-At-Large - Rick is working on the Karel Murphy award and presented a draft of the Timeline and Process to the Board for review.

After discussion, it was agreed that nominations from prior years will be considered but only after requesting that the person nominating to re-nominate them to make sure that the information is still correct and up-to-date. Note that April 18th is the deadline for nominations and that the decision will be made on May 5th.

ACTION: Rick will add the above information regarding prior nominations to the Karel Murphy Award announcement.