Attendees: Rick Debellis, Louann Friedland, Jennifer Hall, Mark Hammerschmith, Elizabeth Grubb, Cheryl Lyons, Laurie Solum, Donetta Sheffold
Absent: Laurel Busse, Joy Jorgensen, Rose Lacey
Call to Order at 1:00 PM – Jennifer

Follow-up/Debrief on Winter Gala - Jennifer

  • A resounding success! Everyone had fun, met new and old friends and we made money.
  • Next Year:
    • Keep the room, the times, the food, the price, the silent auction, the door prizes, the decorations – they all worked great. Reservations very close to attendees.
    • Have catering have a “evaluation sheet” for people to fill out regarding the catered dishes, remember to pre-setup a registration table at the door, have someone behind the tables to explain the gifts if necessary.
  • It was felt that a list of the auction items with bids and final sale price would be helpful to have for next year’s silent auction.

ACTION: Laurie will send out the Silent Auction information to the Board.

President’s Reception - Jennifer

  • With the decision that PFLA will be funding the President’s Reception, discussion regarding this event was re-opened.
  • After discussion, it was decided by the Board to keep the current plan to have the event on Campus in spring 2008 – late April or early May.
  • Timeframe will be 4:00 – 6:30 on a Thursday if at all possible.

ACTION: Laurie will check with Shelley on cost, etc. and report back to group.

Our Heros Award Status/Update – Jennifer for Laurel

  • Jennifer reports that the next “Our Heros” Award will be presented to Stephanie Duckett of Student Affairs on Thursday, January 17th. She needs volunteer(s) to help with the presentation.

ACTION: Louann has volunteered to help Jennifer with the presentation.

PFLA Process Documentation for PFLA Board Positions - Laurie

  • Laurie provided Board Members a draft of the tasks prior to this Board Meeting and they were reviewed and assigned as shown in bold below.

Following are the processes that need to be documented for PFLA ranked in order of priority:

1. Review each job description – develop wording on not only “what to do” but the necessary “how to do it” processes that need to be kept on hand. Qualifications also need to be addressed. (Louann Friedland)(In-Process)

ACTION: Everyone to send and email to Louann covering exactly what you “do” in your job – what the processes are – by February 29th.

2. Election process – timeline and ballot construction as well as responsibilities. (Donetta Sheffield) (In-Process)

3. Proper use of email/list server. (Mark Hammerschmith) (In-Process)

4. Storage for all of the PFLA supplies – Cheryl has offered space in the Printing and Mailing facility. Need someone to gather all of the items and prepare a section in the book for where it is located and process to get items stored there (i.e. signs, posters, letterhead, brochures, etc.). (Cheryl Lyons) (Completed)

ACTION: If you have materials that need to be stored, send an email order for Campus Parcel pickup who will take the materials to Cheryl for storage.

5. Clarification of the “Our Hero” award program. (Laurel Busse) (Completed)

6. Web clarification – making sure everything is posted in a timely manner and is accurate. Also, review the membership mailing list and how to get “ownership changed”. Need to note that after an event the item should “fade” and if possible, auto into archives at some point. (Mark Hammerschmith) (In-Process)

7. Professional Development requires planning one year in advance of events. (Rose Lacey) (In-Process)

  • Some ideas were brainstormed:
    • Another meeting on the Service Centers was suggested as this meeting, as opposed to our regular monthly lunch meetings, was exceptionally well-attended.
    • A two-hour “PFLA Mentoring” program was suggested although there was some feeling that this would not fill up two hours.
    • It was felt that we should investigate partnering with the Austin Entrepreneurship Program as they are bringing in large name speakers and housing them on campus on a regular basis.

8. Clarification on PFLA retreat and presidents reception. (Donetta Sheffield) (In-Process)

9. Clarification on Karel Murphy award process. (Rose Lacey) (In-Process)

10. Trade Show Booth – processes we need to follow for display purposes (University Days/Training Days). This still needs to be assigned to a Board member. (Not started)

11. Bylaw revision rules. (Donetta Sheffield) (In-Process)

Goal: have all of these processes completed by 6/30/08 and in a book or on-line with indexes, cross referencing, table of contents, etc.

ACTION: Laurie will send out the revised. Process Documentation task list to the Board.

Board Member Reports

Report – President – Jennifer – Nothing additional today.

Report – Membership – Elizabeth Grubb – reports that we have 110 regular members and 15 associate members as of this meeting.

Report – Marketing – Cheryl – nothing today

Report – Secretary – Louann – nothing today

Report – Treasurer – was out – forwarded report earlier to Board.

  • Treasurer’s Report as of December 31st, 2007. Total YTD: Income - $10,148.76 and Expenses - $6,446.24 with a Net Gain of $3,702.52.

Report – Web Services Director – Mark – nothing today

Report – Members-at-Large – Rick and Donetta – nothing today