Attendance: Laurel Busse, Jennifer Hall, Sheri Woods, Laurie Solum, Dawn Eastlick, Prudence Miles, Keahi McFadden, Cheryl Lyons, Donetta Sheffold, JoDee Bernal, Rose Lacey


I. Call to order - Laurel

Meeting called to order at 1:25 p.m.

II. Bylaws vote update - Donetta

There were 46 responses from the members regarding the changes to the PFLA bylaws. There was (1) vote against, (45) votes approving and (1) response without a vote but with comments. The final version was given to the President and Secretary to sign. Areas that are being considered for revision for the next bylaws update is the Web Services Director section reads more like a position description and should be changed and the non-discrimination section should have position at university and veteran status added. The amount of dues that members will be paying is to become part of the administrative rules that is being developed this year.

III. Karel Murphy Award budget discussion - Laurel

The $500 contributed by PFLA for this award does not seem sustainable over the next 5 years. Laurie provided a 5 year projection of funds and at the current level of expenses versus income PFLA will not be able to afford this award. If the decision is made to continue with this expense other options for income or cutting expenses will need to be made. A brainstorming session is needed to discuss how to continue making this organization work. Jo Dee, Donetta, Rose and Jennifer have agreed to research, discuss and recommend options to the Board.

IV. President's reception recap - Laurel

There was a small turnout for the PFLA Reception at the President's residence this year. The attendees enjoyed themselves and the food provided was good. It is recommended that PFLA hold the event sooner in Fall term to hopefully increase attendance and have the ability to go out on the deck if weather permits.

V. Member Reports:

JoDee Bernal, Past President

  • Our Hero Award presentations will be made on Dec. 7th at Snell 448 for Leanna Ott and Kerr Administration for Theresa Souza. Stargazers has agreed to continue providing the flower which is given to the recipient.

Cheryl Lyons, Membership

  • Cheryl will provide membership numbers to the board. People are not signing up because they are too busy or the organization doesn't meet their needs personally.

Keahi McFadden, Secretary

  • Meeting minutes were officially approved by email after a second prompting for responses to the final version.

Prudence Miles, Professional Development

  • The next professional development is scheduled for February 22nd from 8:30 - Noon. Topic title "Beyond Coaching: Using Disciplinary Process and Improve Performance When Coaching Hasn't Worked" and the presenters will be Jeri Hemmer and Deb Fernandez. Food and refreshments will not be provided at this session.

Laurie Solum, Treasurer

  • Report given during the Karel Murphy award discussion.

Dawn Eastlick, Marketing

  • The November newsletter was held over and will be incorporated into the December newsletter.

Rose Lacey, Member-at-Large

  • Rose would like a forum to discuss budget cuts and duties increase. This topic will be held over for January 2007 Board meeting.

Donetta Sheffold, Member-at-Large

  • Donetta will be sending the approved version of the PFLA bylaws to Sheri for posting to the website.

VI. Matters arising