Attendees: Jennifer Hall, Edie Blakley, Scott Elmshaeuser, Karel Murphy, Nagwa Naguib, Donetta Sheffold, JoDee Bernal Karen Guthreau

December Meeting/Holiday Event:

We will not be having a speaker at our December meeting. We will be having a social gathering instead with desert provided. We also plan to do marketing for new members. Bring a can of food to donate to food share. We will also need people to RSVP so we can know how many folks to order desert for.

President Elect:

Scott will work with the new President elect to train that person as quickly as possible. This position will require a 2-1/2 year commitment. We need to have the election soon, within the next two weeks if at all possible. The position was offered to the board members present and will be offered to those not able to attend today=s meeting. If no interest among the current board members, it will be offered to the members at large.

JoDee would consider accepting the nomination with the support of the board. We were all happy to support her in this endeavor.

Donetta will get out the election information via email. Ballots will be due back by Friday, December 3. Jennifer will work with Donetta to update the membership list.

Web Person:

We are in need to someone to take over the web page, with Dana leaving, we need to find someone who can do this quickly. The person needs to be appointed as professional faculty in order to be eligible to be a board member. Karen will check with Kathy Howell to see if she has any suggestions. Donetta will check her resources as well. Nagwa suggested sending an email to the membership asking for those interested to reply.

Yesterday Jennifer, Scott, and Donetta met with Dana about how to update the website. It is relatively easy to update, once you log in. Any changes made are done via a two-step process, with one person making the change and one other approving it. Any submissions for changes should be sent to Jennifer, Scott, and Donetta. Whoever can make the change first will do so.

Meeting with President Ray:

George Taylor, Keahi McFadden, Rose Lacey, Nagwa Naguib, Scott Elmshaeuser, and Karel Murphy all attended the meeting on November 9 with President Ray.

The following items were brought up for discussion: campus communication, salary freezes (should be over by 6/30/05), HR difficulties.

He says the Faculty Senate should be our avenue for change, and did say he feels things can be changed. Juan Trujillo will work with us to get our issues heard and he says the Executive Committee is now accepting new issues.

Nagwa was encouraged after this meeting and felt he was very patient in hearing our concerns. Karel says he believes in being proactive, as in don't just talk about it, but present a proposal/solution. She feels he's open to changing processes, especially when using the proactive approach.

We need to think about issues to move forward to the Faculty Senate (we can pull these from the previous report and the task force report and bring them to our January meeting).

President Ray feels that timely notice is fine as is. One year contracts are sufficient.

Juan Trujillo may know when the Task Force Report is due to be released. Nagwa will talk with Sherry Woods and see how soon we can see it.

Board Member Reports:

Professional Development: Nagwa:

Paul Axtell will be available Feburary 15, 2005 from 1:30 - 4:40 to present the next professional development workshop. We will apply for $400 from PFDF, which will cost about half the anticipated expenses. The question arose as to what we would do if we weren't given the requested amount. If that does happen, it was decided to charge nonmembers a nominal fee of $15.00 to help defray expenses.

President Elect:

Election for new President Elect will happen soon, with JoDee Bernal as the candidate for this vacancy.

Membership: Jennifer:

We currently have sixty (60) paid members and one (1) referral so far. We have no recent new paid memberhsips. Seventy complimentary memberships have been sent, with the (10) being returned.


Marketing for new referrals contest is still ongoing until December. Marketing via OSU Today is at the discretion of those who decide if it's newsworthy.

Scott will be receiving the flyer draft for the holiday event this week. It will then be sent to the membership and also non-professional faculty. Scott needs to get a head count to catering by November 29.

Professional Development: Nagwa:

We currently have nothing scheduled for Spring term. It was decided to review the list of ideas from our summer retreat. We discussed it and decided on a Creativity Workshop to be presented by Jay Casban and Sam Stern.

Members at Large:

PSOSW has good leadership this year and very effective subcommittees.

This is Karel's last board meeting!